Another hectic day to overcome
Bunch of career to climb
Setting some traps of strategy
Avoiding the arrow of others' visions that come and disturb
Well, it is another hectic day...
hectic hectic hectic days
Rush it over here, rush it over there
Oh my..., I make another bad decisions
Need another revisions, but not another rest
When will you rest, anyway?
May be rest is another good bless!
Good bless that I usually deny when I am bored
and I exclain: need another adventures!
But now, rest is all I need!
Then comes the hordes
"Hordes of friends" they say
But, don't know why
Their arrival comes with the soundtrack of horror
Yeah! They come and judge with their opinion of truth
I don't hire you
But the judge still brings their evaluation
Don't you know I need rest here...
And the only character that I want from you
I got lot a friends with their opinions, evaluations but not that rare character
I've got plenty friends with their noisy voices but again not that rare character
Sometimes, SILENT is all I need, but again I don't find that rare character
When others yelling at me and pushing their opinion at me
I need a calm situation to know what path should I choose
I need a friend who makes me calm
But again I do not find one with that rare character
When things so rush and I need handy solutions
I need a friend with those rare character: COOL, CALM, CONFIDENT
Can I find it in you?
A person who knows good decisions made in a good situations
A person who is willing to lose his right of voice
While others is demanding their right of voice
For the sake of good decisions
Dear friends,
I got lot to tell
But, for that sake of that rare character
I sometimes tell myself that
If I lose my right of voice, but it gives you
More better decisions
Why not?
Please, have mercy on me
Or on them
For, several bit of past
I've been a horror to you
Rather than
The embassy of peace
Now, take your time
When others rush you
And you know that COOL CALM CONFIDENT
Is all what you need
Let peace be with you
Pergumulan paling besar buat orang kerja adalah HECTIC DAYS!
Semua orang mengalami dan bergumul keras di dalamnya tanpa sadar bahwa tetap tenang adalah anugerah. Berbeda dengan jaman jadoel di mana, teman yang happy adalah sumber kekuatan, masa-masa seperti ini kita butuh teman yang bisa memberikan ketenangan jiwa juga karena banyak masalah yang muncul itu berat dan harus dihadapi. Ketenangan yang bisa buat kita ambil keputusan terbaik sehingga kita bisa kembali suka cita, bukan salah langkah dan berakhir pada penyesalan tiada akhir.
Copyright by Bro Agus Kianto
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